

量を表す形容詞 + (名詞) + than



可算名詞には morefewer を使います。尚、下記の最後の例のように、文脈から明らかな場合は、名詞を省略することができます。

  • They have more children than we do.
  • We have more customers than they do.
  • Tom has fewer books than Jane.
  • There are fewer houses in his village than in mine.
  • You know more people than I do.
  • I have visited the States more times than he has.
  • I have three brothers. That's more than you have. ("brothers" であることは明らか)

不可算名詞には moreless を使います。 尚、下記の最後の例のように、文脈から明らかな場合は、名詞を省略することができます。

  • John eats more food than Peter.
  • Jim has less patience than Sam.
  • You've heard more news than I have.
  • He's had more success than his brother has.
  • They've got less water than we have.
  • I'm not hungry at all. I've had more than I want. ("food" であることは明らか)