
名前の通り非限定関係詞節は、誰かや何かについてより詳しく説明しますが、その文節の情報は、今述べていることをより限定するものではありません。例文を見てみましょう:Gorillas, which are large and originate in Africa, can sometimes be found in zoos. この文章では、限られたゴリラではなく、すべてのゴリラに関して述べています。非限定関係詞節の情報は、一般的なゴリラに関する何かを説明し、ゴリラのあるグループやゴリラを個として特定するものではありません。非限定関係詞節が文章から取り除かれても、その文章は文法的に正しく、詳細が少し欠けるにしても意味は変わりません。


  • John's mother, who lives in Scotland, has 6 grandchildren.
  • My friend John, who went to the same school as me, has just written a best-selling novel.
  • My grandmother, who is dead now, came from the North of England.
  • We stopped at the museum, which we had never visited before.
  • I've just come back from London, where John lives..
  • Yesterday I met a woman named Susan, whose husband works in London.



主語 who which  
目的語 who/whom which where
所有 whose    

限定関係詞節では、口語英語で代名詞 who, whomwhichthatに変わることがよくあります。非限定関係詞節では、他の代名詞をthatに代えることはできません。また、非限定関係詞節では、限定関係詞節で出来る関係代名詞の省略もできません。関係詞節で代名詞が動詞の目的語であっても、その代名詞が必要です。最後に、非限定関係詞節は句読点の要らない限定関係詞節とは異なり、常にコンマによって他の文と区別されます。

  • He gave me the letter, which was in a blue envelope. (非限定関係詞節: 手紙はひとつだけで、たまたま青色だった。 whichが必要。)
  • He gave me the letter which/that was in a blue envelope. (限定関係詞節: 幾つかの手紙があり、彼は青色の手紙をくれた。Whichthatに置き換えてもよい。コンマ無し。)
  • He gave me the letter, which I read immediately. (非限定関係詞節: 手紙はひとつだけ。 whichreadの目的語だが、文章に含まれていなければならない。)
  • Stratford-on-Avon, which many people have written about, is Shakespeare's birthplace. (一般に前置詞は文節の終わりに置かれる)
  • Stratford-on-Avon, about which many people have written, is Shakespeare's birthplace. (正式な英語の文書では、代名詞の前に前置詞を置いてもよい)

all ofmany ofのような表現の後に関係代名詞が続き、非限定関係詞節が導かれます。

all of, any of, some of, a few of, both of, each of, either of, half of, many of, most of, much of, none of, one of, two of, etc. whom which
  • There were a lot of people at the party, many of whom I had known for years.
  • There are 14 girls in my class, a few of whom are my friends.
  • He was carrying his belongings, many of which were broken.
  • He had thousands of books, most of which he had read.
  • He picked up a handful of stones, one of which was sharp.
他の文節を指す "which"

非限定関係詞節のはじめの関係代名詞 which は、その前にあるひとつの言葉だけではなく、文章に含まれた情報全体を指します。

  • Chris did really well in his exams, which is quite a surprise.
  • My friends were all hiding in my apartment, which isn't what I'd expected.
  • She's studying to become a doctor, which is difficult.