


If 節 (条件) 主節 (結果)
If + 単純過去形 条件付現在継続形
If this thing happened that thing would be happening.


仮定法過去においてこの形状は一般的です。これは非現実的な条件の結果として起こっただろう 終了していない、または継続している行動や状況の述べています。

  • I would be working in Italy if I spoke Italian. (しかし私はイタリア語を話さないので、イタリアで働いていない)
  • She wouldn't be living with Jack if she lived with her parents. (しかし彼女は両親とではなくジャックと一緒に住んでいる)
  • You wouldn't be smiling if you knew the truth. (しかしあなたは真実を知らないので微笑んでいる)


would + be + 現在分詞
現在分詞は動詞の基本形の終わりに -ing を付けたものです。

主語 + would + be +現在分詞
He would be staying
They would be going
To Live:条件付現在継続
肯定文 否定文 疑問文 否定疑問文
I would be living I wouldn't be living Would I be living? Wouldn't I be living?
You would be living You wouldn't be living Would you be living? Wouldn't you be living?
He would be living He wouldn't be living Would he be living? Wouldn't he be living?
She would be living She wouldn't be living Would she be living? Wouldn't she be living?
We would be living We wouldn't be living Would we be living? Wouldn't we be living?
They would be living They wouldn't be living Would they be living? Wouldn't they be living?